McKinney Music Festival
Beginner and Concert Bands will perform at the McKinney Music Festival held at McKinney High School.
FMS Beginner Band 9:45-10:10 AM
FMS Concert Band 10:10-10:50 AM

Percussion Flamboree V (Percussion Only)
Percussion students in grades 6th-8th grade will participate in the Percussion concert which is hosted at McKinney High School.
More details will be sent out by Mr. N closer to the concert date.

McKinney Music Festival - Honors
Honors Band will perform at the McKinney Music Festival held at McKinney High School. Times will vary and will be published as soon as we know.

FMS Band Solo Contest*
Beginner Band, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Honors Band will perform solos for judges at an assigned time. After their performance students are free to go home.
*This is a mandatory co-curricular performance that is graded.

FMS Spring Concert*
This concert is for Honors Band, Symphonic Band, and Concert Band. This concert will be held in the McKinney High School Fine Arts Center. Concert times will be sent out by email closer to the concert date.
*This is a mandatory co-curricular performance that is graded.

PEAK Festival - Symphonic Band
Symphonic Band will travel to the Irving Arts Center and perform at the PEAK Festival. Students have a warm up time at 2:00PM, and performance at 2:30PM.

PEAK Festival - Honors Band
Honors Band will travel to the Irving Arts Center and perform at the PEAK Festival. Students Warm up at 1PM and perform at 1:30PM.

MISD Middle School Concerto Competition
Select Honors Band students will participate in the MISD Concerto Contest. These soloists will perform their solo in front of an audience and family.
More details will be sent out closer to the event.

MISD Summer Band Camp
This is an optional event for all band students. Check out the website for registration details and more information.

UIL Concert & Sight Reading Performance (Honors Band)
Students will perform their UIL program and sight read for judges to get feedback for their UIL performance. This performance happens during the day.
A more detailed schedule will be sent out closer to the event date.

UIL Concert & Sight Reading Performance (Symphonic and Concert Band)
Students will perform their UIL program and sight read for judges to get feedback for their UIL performance. This performance happens during the day.
A more detailed schedule will be sent out closer to the event date.
Concert Band UIL - Wednesday, March 5th at 10:35 AM
Symphonic Band UIL - Friday, March 7th at 10:25 AM

Honors Recording Session #2
Honors Band will record their pieces for competition.
Recording starts at 12:00 PM

Honors Pre-UIL Performance
FMS Bands will perform their UIL program during the school day for a set of judges. Students will be bussed to and from the event. Students are responsible to wear their formal concert uniform. Please reference the band handbook for details.
Performance 11:50 AM
*Events with times listed as “varies” are events that typically last either all day or for the majority of the day but the student’s individual schedule may only be for a small portion of the event.

Robert Herrings Clinic (Saturday)
Honors Band and Symphonic Band will rehearse with Mr. Herrings. More specific information will be sent out closer to the event.
This is an outside consultant we use to help us improve as musicians, teachers, and students.

Honors Recording Session #1
FMS Honors Band will record their songs for competition.
Recording Starts at 2:15 PM
*Events with times listed as “varies” are events that typically last either all day or for the majority of the day but the student’s individual schedule may only be for a small portion of the event.

Concert & Symphonic Pre-UIL Performance
FMS Bands will perform their UIL program during the school day for a set of judges. Students will be bussed to and from the event. Students are responsible to wear their formal concert uniform. Please reference the band handbook for details.
Concert Band: 9:15 AM
Symphonic Band: 12:45 PM
*Events with times listed as “varies” are events that typically last either all day or for the majority of the day but the student’s individual schedule may only be for a small portion of the event.

Band Social @ Andretti Karting
This optional trip is for students in the 6th-8th grade. There is an additional cost to participate in this trip.

Red Belt Party
Students who completed their Red Belt in beginner band karate are invited to the Red Belt Party.

David Brandon Clinic
This is an outside consultant we use to help us improve as musicians, teachers, and students. This event happens during the school day.

Honors Band: Full Band Friday
Honors Band will meet for a required 2-hour rehearsal after school to prepare for recordings.

MHS 8th Grade Concert and Party*
All 8th grade band students will participate in an 8th grade concert and party at their respective high school. This is a great chance for 8th grade students to meet members of the local high school bands. Food will be provided.
*This is a mandatory co-curricular performance that is graded.

MBHS 8th Grade Concert and Party*
All 8th grade band students will participate in an 8th grade concert and party at their respective high school. This is a great chance for 8th grade students to meet members of the local high school bands. Food will be provided.
*This is a mandatory co-curricular performance that is graded.

Band Winter Concert*
This concert is for Beginner Band, Honors Band, Symphonic Band, and Concert Band. This concert will be held in the McKinney High School Fine Arts Center. Concert times will be sent out by email closer to the concert date.
*This is a mandatory co-curricular performance that is graded.

Beginner Band Rehearsal*
This is a required rehearsal for all FMS Beginner Band students. This is to prepare for our performance at the FMS Winter Concert on Tuesday December 12.
*This is a cocurricular event and is graded.

Honors Band: Elementary Winter Tour
Members of the Honors Band will travel to our elementary schools and perform winter music for the students there! They will miss a day of school to attend this event.

Honors Band: Full Band Friday
Honors Band will meet for a required 2-hour rehearsal after school to prepare for recordings.

David Brandon Clinic
This is an outside consultant we use to help us improve as musicians, teachers, and students. This event happens during the school day.

All-District Clinic & Concert
Students who were selected for the McKinney ISD All-District band will miss the day of school working on music with a guest clinician. This is a very high honor!

All-Region Honor Clinic & Concert
Students who were selected for the Region 24 All-region band will miss the day of school working on music with a guest clinician. This is a very high honor!

David Brandon Clinic
This is an outside consultant we use to help us improve as musicians, teachers, and students. This event happens during the school day.

Phase 2 All-Region*
Select 7th and 8th-grade students will perform memorized major scales, the chromatic scale, and non-memorized music etudes (studies). Students who are chosen in the audition will give an honor concert with a guest conductor.
*Events with times listed as “varies” are events that typically last either all day or for the majority of the day but the student’s individual schedule may only be for a small portion of the event.

Phase 1 All-Region*
Select 7th and 8th-grade students will perform memorized major scales, the chromatic scale, and non-memorized music etudes (studies). Students who are chosen in the audition will give an honor concert with a guest conductor.
*Events with times listed as “varies” are events that typically last either all day or for the majority of the day but the student’s individual schedule may only be for a small portion of the event.